



  1. 創造性と実践的技術力を兼ね備えた国際的エンジニアの育成

  2. 社会人への門戸開放と再教育

  3. 産学共同研究等による研究成果の社会への還元


In these times of rapid progress in technology and systems development, the industrial world is forced to cope with technical innovation all the time. Moreover, globalization of business is proceeding. Insuch a social situation, development of creative students and creation of new technology by collaboration with the community is required. For these purposes:

  1. We aim to educate students to be international engineers, with both creativity and practical techniques.

  2. We aim to be open to the public and to promote re-education of members of society.

  3. We aim to return the fruits of research with the community to society.

To accomplish the missions listed above, two advanced courses were established in April, 2002; Advanced Production and Construction Systems, and Advanced Electronic and Information Systems.

専攻科棟(Building of Advanced Engineering Faculty)